Level 2 Home Study Course |
Home Study - Level 2 - Higher Techniques of animal communication
Animal Telepathic Communication
Level 2
Home Study Course
(This course is available for order through the products page)
The Level 2 Course in Animal Telepathic Communication will help you move to a much deeper level of communication where you will be able to apply all the techniques that you have learnt and experienced through the course of your connection with all animals to everyday life.
You will learn how to apply these techniques to the tracking of lost animals and discover the art of doing a successful medical body scan.
However, the medical body scan is not there to replace any form of veterinary assistance, or to provide you with a diagnosis. It is there to guide you in giving the Veterinarian as much information as possible to make an accurate diagnosis for the betterment of the animal concerned.
Course Content
Tracking Lost Animals
Tracking Riff-Raff Using Gestalt
Medical Body Scan - "Gestalt"
Horse with an Abscess
Tracking Lost Animals
Medical Body Scan
The Next Step
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