Tracking Referral Service - Lost Animals


Tools and tips on what to do to help your lost animal

Tracking Information Letter

Please click here  to download the information below as a pdf document.

What you can do to help your animal friend find his/her way home

Visualise your animal friend surrounded in a bubble of white light. This provides him/her with extra amount of protection. The second thing is to visualise a stream of white light from your heart to your animal friend's heart. Because of your close connection, this white light will go to wherever he/she is.

Tell him/her mentally that you would like him/her to follow this light and come home if they can.  Animals are very psychic and if they are near, and lost, this will help them find their way home.  Many of the animals we have been contacted about have returned home within hours of this light being used, without a tracking session needing to be done.

Focus on sending them calming, loving thoughts. This can be done by picturing a pink light going from your heart centre to their heart centre. Remember that animals communicate telepathically and because they are so bonded with you, they will pick up all your thoughts and stress from whatever distance. When an animal feels your stress, he/she may not connect it with them being lost. They just feel the stress and this unsettles them making it difficult to get them to come home. The light you send them helps in calming them, easing their stress and allowing them to move into a less frantic frame of mind.  

How tracking works

Tracking an animal that has left home involves communicating telepathically with the animal to get as much information as possible regarding its whereabouts and to determine what happened at the time of it leaving home.  This is then communicated as accurately as possible to the humans, in the hopes that the human will be able to connect the dots and recognise certain places or areas where their animal may be.

Animals communicate across a wide spectrum of senses, including images, sound, smell, as well as feelings, sensations and thoughts, and do so very quickly.  

The information that is received is carefully communicated to the human, in as accurate a way as possible. Sometimes information received is confusing to the tracker, but becomes a valuable link when the human is able to make sense out it (for example say a strong colour is continuously received, the tracker is unable to make sense of the colour, but the human connects the colour to either the animals favourite couch or blanket, or the same coloured complex of houses down the road, or a field nearby with those same-coloured flowers etc.) allowing them to verify that the information is indeed from their animal friend. Animals, having communicated telepathically for centuries, do so very quickly. It often happens that a tracker will receive images, feelings, descriptions; messages etc. in quick, seemingly disjointed succession and must capture and describe these in as much detail as possible.

In addition to getting as much information as possible regarding their surroundings, trackers will assist the animal ease into a calmer state of mind, find out the reason for leaving and whether there is anything that can be done in this regard to assist an animal return home, and help them with any emotional stress or anxiety, ease their fears and either help them find their way home, or act as a communication link between the animal and human to resolve any issues that may have arisen resulting in the animal choosing to leave (for instance, a change in environment such as the introduction of a new human or animal, may create anxiety and stress causing an animal to leave).

Important information to bear in mind when considering a tracking

An important consideration to keep in mind is that trackings do not carry a high "success" rate.  Less than 50% of the animals tracked return home or are found and this statistic is one shared by most animal communicators.  The reasons for this are numerous and varied, and are mostly influenced by the fact that animals are intelligent creatures with a will of their own, and have left for a specific reason.  It has been our experience that very few animals are truly lost… most of the animals we track know exactly where they are and have left for a specific reason, which could be anything from a singular traumatic event that occurred to boredom and frustration due to lack of exercise and mental stimulation; to the loss of a pack member; a family relocation to a new house; on-going human negativity and stress that the animal is no longer able to deal with; the introduction of a new member to the pack (animal or human) etc. 

The main objective in tracking animals, therefore, is to get information regarding it's state of mind, the reason for leaving home, if it wants to return and if so, whether it can on its own.  We have experienced trackings where the animals were truly lost and through our communication and advice, were found and re-united, but these have been few and far between.

As with all souls, we are dealing with free will, and we have had experience with trackings where the animal will not, or does not, wish to communicate with the tracker and will block any attempts. In such cases, trackers will often work on using distant healing to ease any anger, distress or anxiety that may be causing the animal to withdraw, and may choose to refer the tracking to another tracker.

Please bear in mind that the tracker's main aim is to help and assist the animal.  Above all else, we are pledged to respect the animal's wishes.  Should the animal not wish to return home, we will not place human will above the animal's will in terms of using the techniques at our disposal to get information regarding its surroundings that it does not wish to share.  Any information that the trackers get will, and must be, obtained with the animal's permission.  Going against this would result in the animal blocking any further attempts at communication.

Limitations in tracking:

There are certain challenges faced when tracking, one being that animals do not process time the same way that we do. Concepts such as "yesterday" and "two days ago" are meaningless to them. Animals will communicate what is foremost in their mind, even if it happened a few days ago. While trackers can most often guide them to showing details of where they currently are, trackers are often unable to separate what is memory from what is current and so try to capture every bit of information received in as detailed a manner as possible, which is then passed onto the human.

In addition, animals do not work with street names, house numbers and "left" and "right", and so asking them which way they went when they left home is not a straightforward question.


We understand just how distressing it is to lose an animal friend. We do, however, ask that you treat the trackers with respect. Tracking is extremely emotional for everyone involved, including the tracker, who is often dealing with more than one tracking at the same time, and more than one distressed and upset human. Unfortunately, there is no magic wand to wave to get the animal home and it can be a long process. The trackers do not do this work full-time, and have dedicated their spare time (many times working late into the night) helping find lost animals.

Love and light in finding your beloved animal


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