February 2012


In this issue * Jenny asks us to "think right" in this year of the dragon * we extend our congratulations to Joan, one of our team, who is going it alone * Riff-Raff requests friends on facebook * Sammy shares her thoughts on the importance of spending time with yourself * Sammy's trip to Dikhololo game reserve * Sammy's chickens * Next workshop

click here to download the newsletter as a pdf document, including photos and formatting.  The detail below is only the text of the newsletter, for your interest.

Hello Everyone!


It is with GREAT excitement and anticipation that we move into 2012.

As you all know, 2012 is the Chinese year of the Dragon. It is a year filled with magic, great power and the ability to manifest ALL your desires.  It is not a year to sit in one place and “wait” for good things to come to us.  Nothing will come to those who wait and let the year go idly by.  It is a year to TAKE CHARGE and MAKE your dreams come true!


This is the year to “think right”.  For instance, if you think about all your health issues, you will manifest more health issues than you ever believed possible.  If you stop and think about your finiancial problems, you will become even more finiancially strapped than ever before.  However, if you think and believe that you deserve to be healthy and finiancially abundant, you will then become more healthy and finiancially abundant than you could ever have imagined possible.


Remember, as I have mentioned before, energy follows thought and this is the year to “think right” so that you can make it possible to manifest ALL your desires and make all your dreams come true.


I have never been one to believe in New Year's resolutions but I do feel that we must start the year with a “plan” or a “purpose” even if this plan or purpose is to wake up every day and laugh.  Starting the day with laughter is a great way to start manifesting great happiness.  Even if you are in the depth of despair,  you can always find something that will make you smile.  All you need to do is think about the twitch of your kitties whiskers or the wag in your dogs tail.  If you start the day happy, the chances are that you will end the day on a happy note.  However, if you get up in the morning feeling irritated and grumpy you will find your day becomes worse and worse as it goes on. Remember, what you give out is what you will get back.


It is so easy when things are going wrong to blame someone else.  Lets take responsibility for our own happiness.  Lets not allow anyone else to take our power away from us.  If we don't like the way things are going let US make the changes necessary for things to be different in our own lives.  Let US become the people our animals can be proud of!!!


As energy follows thought this brings me to another point.  Those of us that are involved in the healing business spend a lot of time sending healing to animals and people all over the world that need it.  How many of us actually send healing energy to the “Bad” elements amongst the people?  We are SO busy feeling angry (and this is quite understandable, especially where animal abuse or the rhino poaching is concerned).  However, all the anger our thoughts are sending out are only creating more anger.  If we really want these atrocoties to stop (and we really do) it is vital to send the right energy to the situations.  No one is goig to stop animal abuse because there is a law saying they must stop.  I believe that the only way for these horrific behavours to stop is if the culprits change from the inside.  You might say “This will NEVER stop” I believe that the only way that this change will happen is if we send the right energy.  Yes WE can make a difference.  However, we will never be able to make a difference by sitting still and becoming more and more angry.  There is a saying that goes “It only takes one good person to do nothing for evil to prevail”.  Lets stop doing nothing and “THINK RIGHT”.  Lets use this year of the Dragon to manifest freedom, safety, health and happiness for all the animals out there both domestic and wild and let us manifest compassion and understanding in those humans who are currently committing these atrocities.

Lets all stand tall and say “WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE”.





Now for a word of congratulations to Joan.  No, she is not pregnant!!!  Joan has been working under the Animal Healing Centre's umbrella for many years.  Apart from doing an outstabnding job running the healing list for us for the past few years she has also been our longest standing tracker.  Although it is sad for us to say good bye to Joan it is also with great pride that we wish her all the best on the path she has chosen.  She has started her own business focusing on healing, crystals as well as communication with animals.


Good luck Joan and although you are not working with us anymore we will always think of you as a good friend and will still keep in close contact with you.


Lots of love

Jenny and the animals


I would also like to take a moment to thank Joan.  I feel honoured to have worked with you, Joan.  Blessings and may all good energies flow to you and through you.  I wish you enough.





Riff-Raff's Request

Hello everyone,


Please take a look at MY facebook page, “Riff-Raff Shone”.  I am trying to collect more friends than Jenny has.  It's a competition. At the moment I am doing VERY well.


I also would like to see photos of YOUR animal companions. Lets put picture of all of us as babies on my F/B page!!!

Abbey and Chris Catt also have their own pages. It is fun chatting with them on F/B but we want MORE animal friends.




Sammy's snippet

Heya to all beautiful souls out there (that's everyone)


Thanks, Jenny, for such a wonderful snippet this month.  I agree wholeheartedly.

It brought to mind something I read in a book by James van Pragh, “Talking to Heaven”.  He's a fantastic author.  He said that, in life, when something is not flowing smoothly, and you seem to have to fight to get what you want, then it's a message from the universe that you are not on the right path.  When you are doing what you want, everything will flow smoothly.  So if you are finding life a battle, perhaps its time to think about what your passion in life is, what you would love to be doing if there was no fear (fear of not having enough money, fear of not being successful etc.) and start to take action towards doing what you love.


Each of us has a path to follow in life, a path that our souls chose before coming to earth.  That's the destiny part.  Free will comes in because we can choose to follow our path, or we can choose to swim upstream and deviate from our chosen path.  Living the path we chose for this particular lifetime, brings immeasurable rewards, and not just of the physical “wealth” type.  Emotional, mental and spiritual rewards abound when one lives according to their highest sense of self.  Life becomes easier to live when one's passion is one's life.  When you do what you love doing, it no longer feels like a job.


It's very important not to get caught up in the hamster wheel of life that is happening all around us at the moment.  Doing something for the sake of doing something is no longer an option.  Time for quiet contemplation, time for meditation, time for just being under a tree and breathing, is not only vital to survive this year ahead, it's an important tool in learning to live an authentic life, and hearing the guidance and support from our guides and angels.  It's vital that it becomes a part of our everyday life, first consciously, then as much a part of us as breathing.



Dikhololo Game Reserve

Sunset from a lookout point in the reserve

I recently spent a week away with the family at Dikhololo game reserve just outside Brits.  Lots of activities for the kids to keep them busy.  It felt incredible walking through the bush, and feeling the strong energy pulse through the bushveld, mostly untouched and unchanged by man.  I became very aware of how human activities disrupt the flow of energy in our cities and suburbs, how our buildings and fences, roads and construction diminish the energy of the earth, and it saddens me.  I hope our future generations can move, in ever greater numbers, towards more harmonious activities that honour and respect the land and keep the energy high and flowing as it should.


Most of the animals in the reserve were quite used to weird humans, and many came to visit the cottages, including kudu, mongoose, and guinea fowl.  This kudu female, if given the chance we were told, would come straight into the cottage!



Jamie with the juvenile tom we nicknamed “Socks”

Some of the “feral” cats in the neighbourhood spent time with us every day.  My family's first reaction was to express a desire to “rescue” them and take them home.  But after spending some time talking with the cats, I explained to my family that the cats were quite happy.  They may not be plump and sleek like domesticated cats, but they were being true cats, and had a far better life than we could give them.  “Imagine trying to domesticate these cats”, I asked my son, “take them away from here, force them into a small, multi-cat household, with only a small (by bushveld standards) garden to roam around in, having to stake out their territory with the neighbourhood cats and learning to live a life filled with tedium and boredom (for them)”.  These cats were happy and fulfilled where they were, they had many cottages to visit throughout the year, they could roam as far and wide as they wanted to, they had sufficient food to hunt and keep them going (though not fat, their coats were in good condition and their auras were vibrant and strong) and they were satisfied and happy.  Even the old tom-cat, showing scars, was full of life and completely and utterly content with himself and with life.  While they were with us, they were so affectionate and loving.


The bird-life was fantastic and every morning brought a flock of loud arrow-marked babblers to the roof of our cottage, very aptly named.  I found even the grey go-away birds (I miss calling them loeries) had a different energy and were more vibrant and alive than the ones at home.  Drongos, flycatchers, hornbills, even several Diederich's Cuckoos, were spotted and enjoyed.


What I noticed and mourned, was the lack of warthog and meerkat in the reserve.  After enquiries, we were told that the farmers in the area had hunted down and shot all the warthog in the area for their meat.  The meerkats absence could not be explained, but perhaps it had more to do with the type of biome they prefer to live in, than human intervention.  I believe meerkats prefer open grasslands and savannah.


Driving there and back, it truly came home to me that the earth belongs to all creatures and to all of us.  How blind are we humans to feel that it's ok to put fences around large tracts of land and take “ownership” over something that should not be owned by anyone?  How different would the earth be if the animals were honoured and cared for by allowing them free reign along natural migration routes, instead of forcing them to fit into areas we say they should fit into.  I vote for free-range wildlife.


After our return home, I could still not find Henny-Penny, one of our hens.  She has always been a bit shy and despite checking everywhere in the garden, I could not locate her.  As they have free-range and sometimes like to forage around in the front garden next to the road (a quiet suburban street), I thought that perhaps she had found a new garden to make her home.  Two days after returning, I was so surprised to find her emerging from a bush I had checked several times, with 9 little chicks in tow!    Hens are beautiful moms and like all creatures and animals, have so much to teach us.

In next month's newsletter, I'll go into more detail of the relationship between my four cats and the chickens and how they live in harmony with each other.



And just in closing, I'd like to share some photos of two of my cats, Princess and Christopher Catt, who I sometimes call Yin and Yang.



There has been a lot of publicity and talk on the killing of dogs and cats in China recently.  What I wasn't aware of was that the fur from these dogs and cats is often used to make cat toys and is often registered as “faux fur” thereby becoming available to be used in the lining of jackets, boots etc.  Please become aware of this and rather use feathered cat toys, and be wary of faux-fur products.  Visit www.furfree.net to find out how South Africans are making a difference.


Love and light from Sammy


Next workshop

Our next workshop is our level 1 animal communication workshop at the Johannesburg zoo on 25th February 2012.  Please book in advance, as we need to prepare manuals and certificates.  Please email sammy@animalhealing.co.za for more info or to get a booking form.


Until next time,

Love, light and blessings


Jenny, Sammy and the animals


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